5 New Year’s Resolutions for Display Advertisers
Google’s Dan Taylor presents at Digiday Agency event Dec. 12, 2011
It’s that time of year again, the time to reflect on 2011 and think about resolutions for the new year. We may not be able to help you lose those extra 5 lbs., but we can inform some New Year’s resolutions for your business.
Last week, Google’s Dan Taylor presented at the Digiday Agency event on the 5 New Year’s Resolutions for Display Advertisers. See video and summary below.
Resolution # 1: I will be strategic in how I use remarketing
Remarketing is like plugging a leaky bucket, where the leak is website visitors leaving your site, and the plug is display ads that bring past visitors back to your site.
There are many ways to ‘plug’ the leak, but we offer up the follow strategies to be the most effective in doing so.
- Target based on audience: Layering demographic targeting on top of remarketing campaigns can help you tailor the message even more. For example, have one message for men, and a different one for women.
- Target based on intent: You can send a general message to homepage visitors and product-oriented reminders to visitors that browsed product pages but didn’t make a purchase. Using a creative with dynamically related products is a great way to do this.
- Expand your list sources: Some of our most effective remarketing customers use several sources to get their lists, such as YouTube mastheads and channels, their main website and campaign landing pages. Expanding the lists enables you to reach more potential customers.
Resolution # 2: I will use video to its full potential
Video is a great way to reach customers, yet it is often underutilized. Here are the best ways to use video to its fullest potential.
- With the latest changes to the YouTube homepage, we’ve pivoted the YouTube site experience to focus on channels and a socially-driven feed, the contents of which are controlled by the left hand sidebar. This gives marketers a powerful opportunity to enhance their brand exposure.
- Through the new AdWords for video front end, we’ve drastically reduced the time it takes to create a video. Easily run click-to-play or TrueView in-display formats across Google Display Network.
- We’ve also found that rich media, in tandem with video, is more effective than simple Flash. When you’re running rich media campaigns, think about including video to increase purchase intent.
Resolution # 3: I will fuse social media with display
Making display ads social increases the conversation with your customers. Here are some ways that this can be accomplished:
- Make social media a primary destination: Try linking Trueview ads back to a similarly branded channel for a great social experience.
- Social interactions within the banner: Actually having users interact with the banner (by playing a game, watching videos, etc.) and then having them share their experiences through social media continues the conversation.
- Bring social media endorsements in the banner: This is becoming more popular, and is a great way for friends to share recommendations.
Resolution # 4: I will go mobile with my display campaigns
Just as users are now moving more and more to a multi-screen experience via desktop, mobile, and display, so must marketers think about a display strategy that isn’t siloed.
- Tablet targeting: Users expect more from tablet ads and are increasingly using these for online shopping. We support tablet targeting including zeroing in on tablet audiences by device, location, time of day and contextually.
- Get smarter with smartphone targeting: Finding what’s right for your business is key here. With so many format options to choose from that are specific to mobile devices (click to video, click to map, click to call) it’s worth it to think what could be the most effective for your business.
Resolution #5: There’s a perfect ad for everyone.
It’s really the biggest resolution we’re focused on at Google that encompasses all the other ones and it’s adopting the philosophy that ‘There’s a perfect ad for everyone.’
Our recipe for the perfect ad for everyone is driven by simplicity and also by the technology that’s enabling us to customize the advertising experience for everyone at scale.
There’s a simple recipe to the perfect ad: The right person + the right message + the right time + the right context = the perfect ad.
What are your new year’s resolutions for your business? Let us know by tweeting @GoogleDisplay.
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