Certify your DoubleClick Studio skills

Display doesn’t have to be difficult. At DoubleClick, we’re empowering creative agencies, media agencies and publishers to build amazing rich media ads easily. We’re working hard to ensure that we bring you the best tools and resources to help you to build innovative, high-performing ads.

And we want to make sure that all of our expert users can get recognized for their expertise. That’s why we put together our DoubleClick Studio Certification program.

What’s the Studio Certification Program?
The program is a way for creative designers and developers to test their skills on the product and promote their expertise after successfully completing the tests.

We have many different qualifications that cover both essential and specialized knowledge.

  • The first is our core Studio Certification, a qualification that demonstrates a user’s knowledge and ability to build high quality rich media ads within DoubleClick Studio that function as intended when displayed by the DoubleClick ad server.
  • Once you complete this test, you can take one of our specialized product tests, which include the QA Certification, Masthead Badge Certification, HTML5 Badge Certification, and HTML5 QA Badge Certification. Learn more about the tests on our site >>

Why should you care?

Developers and designers can promote their expertise to clients and partners.

  • Upon completion of each test, you receive a badge that you can put on your website. You also get your name on our list of Certified Users. In both cases, you get to promote your expertise in the product to potential partners and clients.

Gain access to beta releases, industry insights, and special DoubleClick Events.

  • Certified users have access to innovative beta products and gain exclusive insights that can make the difference to get ahead of the competition.
  • Invitations to events such as Developer Days and HTML5 workshops, which give you first-hand experience and knowledge that increases your chances of running innovative campaigns.

Media agencies gain increased confidence in their creative partners and can reduce turnaround times.

  • Working with a creative agency who assigns a Studio Certified User to the creative build gives you the added confidence that the work is being done by an experienced Studio developer.
  • This expertise can also reduce turnaround times of the build, because the developer knows the product in and out.

Achieve faster and easier quality assurance.

  • You won’t need to wait for DoubleClick’s QA feedback anymore. QA Certified Users will be able to determine the quality assurance and transfer the creative themselves, directly to the associated DFA account. This means a smoother process for both creative and media partners.

Ready to get Certified?
Visit our new certification landing page, learn more about the tests and get started!

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